Friday, March 9, 2012

Undermining society: brew up some talents.

As usual, I was taking a break from normal, daily life and went on Pinterest for a little while. As I was looking at adorable puppies, chic outfits I would never have, and a thousand unhealthy recipes I came across this quote featured above by Albert Einstein. When I first saw it, I totally agreed with him; I believe my only special talent is making a fool out of myself 24/7.  There are millions of people on this planet with an incredible talent and that was the best one I could come up with for myself... great. I rock.

But the more I sit here in Starbucks watching others come and go, grabbing their cinnamon scones and non-fat mocha lattes, I start to realize that they might be thinking the same as me.  Maybe they believe they have no special talents or if we do not have a specific thing that we are amazing at, we suck as human beings.  Or maybe they are thinking the complete opposite and are the "bees knees" and have over a hundred special talents that we do not know about.

Whatever the case may be, I do believe that everyone should be passionately curious, whether or not they have a special talent.  Another question I ask, how do you define a "special talent"? Is it something that has to be completely out of the ordinary, radical, and out of this world awesome?! Or can it simply be a common activity that you love to do every second of the day and never get sick of? I think people overestimate the power of a special talent, including me.

So do you know what, Einstein?! I think everyone (yes, I mean everyone), has a special talent within them. Whether it is someone who scuba dives and battles great white sharks for fun, or someone who can make the best green bean casserole anyone has even eaten, they both have something extraordinary.

As I wrap up my rant about a harmless pin posted on Pinterest, I want to conclude with this quote:
"If you don't think you have a talent, you just haven't found it yet." -Andrew Smith