Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blogging, the new appetizer to social media.

In today's world, people are well aware of the power of social media. Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin are all popular sources of social media that impact businesses and people.  These three sources of social media are very similar to an appetizer in a three-course meal; you start by getting your information out there which leads to the main result.  But people are starting to realize there is another appetizer that can produce the same effects, the blog.  Blogging is growing in social media and a UW-Whitewater alumni, Trish Skram, knows how to feature your new appetizer.  

Trish Skram is a media specialist and PR manager for Mercy Health System in Janesville, Wis. and also a professional blogger for Janesville Gazette.  Skram's career started when she applied for an internship six years ago at Mercy when she was a junior at UW-Whitewater. The internship was paid, she really enjoyed the people she worked with, the job gave her a lot of opportunities, and she has been working there ever since.  She started and launched her own blog called "PR Gal"  in 2008.  

Skram talked about how using Twitter and blogs help grow her network, connect with people, learn from others who are similar to her, and help the PR industry.  Her first piece of advice was to blog about things that relate to the job you want because it shows you have a passion for what you want to do.  Skram also included eight ways to build a brand with your blog: 

  • What do you want to get out of it? 
  • Know your competency 
  • Listen and learn from your audience 
  • Add a personal touch 
  • Be positive :) 
  • Encourage engagement
  • Research keywords 
  • Be consistent
Skram's final advice she gave about blogs was to share your passion, share your knowledge, always work hard, and participate in everything you do.  Most importantly, don't be afraid to blog! Bloggers have a worry that they will look stupid while writing but if you connect with others, they will connect with you.  

Be creative in how you brand yourself in social media because if your appetizer stands out, employers will want to see what else is included in your three-course meal!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

This Generation's Weakness

One word describes a group of over 500 million active users. One word offers 900 million applications that people can interact with. One word has people spending over 700 billion minutes per month on this. What is this word that has people communicating in ways never thought possible?


If this is the first time you have ever seen this word, you might have been living under a rock for the past seven years and you should check out this website for more information. Facebook is a social media trend that interests me greatly because there are so many people associated with it, and they love being part of this community. People feel a sense of belonging when they log into Facebook because they can see what their friends are up to, check who wrote on their wall, or what businesses want their opinion. So why do you think public relations professionals love Facebook so much? 

Well, the answer is quite simple.

An average active user spends about 23 minutes on Facebook each time they log in.
And every time they log in on Facebook they roam around and look at advertisements and promotions that businesses offer. What clients would hate to have over 500 million people check out their businesses on a daily basis!? Crazy ones! Facebook is the perfect place for public relations professionals to excel in their career and with their publics.

Here are just a few examples of companies that use Facebook:

And thousands and thousands more!

So I’d say the overall moral of this blog post would be that Facebook has a very powerful influence on people and PR professionals know exactly how to strengthen the influence.